After extensive research, behavioural scientists have identified a variety of personalities.An individual’s personality obviously is not constant under different circumstances.Researchers broadly classify personality types based on general behaviour patterns, under the following popular heads:
2) Helpers: Helpers are concerned about others and sensitive to others’ needs.They are easy to get along and share your problems with. They are sensitive to others’ feelings, fun loving, and usually have a good sense of humour. However, they may have a low self-esteem and tend to overdo things for others.
5) Observers: Observers are usually introverts, curious, and analytical. They like to be left alone and consequently dislike any intrusion on their privacy. One of their greatest qualities is that they remain calm even during a crisis. With their insight, keen observation, and analytical skills they are often able to predict correct outcomes even in complex situations. They may get overly disturbed when such anticipated outcomes do not result.
7) Adventurers: Adventurers like to live an interesting and thrilling life. They are fun-loving people who are often gregarious. They love to party and entertain.They are optimistic and are not easily troubled. They love to take risks and to tackle problems head-on.
8) Asserters: Asserters are direct, straightforward, and confident people, who are known for their assertive behaviour. They prefer to be independent and self-reliant.They also like to take up challenges directly. Asserters are courageous, generally honest, and protective of those around them. However, they lack tact.
9) Peacemakers: Peacemakers are cordial and peace-loving people. They dislike confrontations and like to live in a harmonious environment. When given sufficient time to complete their work and allowed to work for their own peace, they prove to be efficient. Since they are very caring and concerned about others, they can be very good mediators and facilitators. However, they can be
hyper sensitive to criticism.
- Perfectionists
- Helpers
- Achievers
- Romantics
- Observers
- Questioners
- Adventurers
- Asserters
- Peacemakers
1) Perfectionists: Perfectionists look for perfection in whatever they do. They are disciplined, principled, and idealistic. They work hard to live up to their own high targets and expect others to follow. They are highly responsible and dedicated to their work and make excellent employees. However, they are easily disappointed because they set high goals for themselves and on failing to meet these goals they become tense, anxious, and dejected.
2) Helpers: Helpers are concerned about others and sensitive to others’ needs.They are easy to get along and share your problems with. They are sensitive to others’ feelings, fun loving, and usually have a good sense of humour. However, they may have a low self-esteem and tend to overdo things for others.
3) Achievers: Achievers love nothing better than achieving their goal. Therefore, they are generally energetic, self-assured, and goal-oriented. They appreciate the honest but non-judgmental feedback. They like a peaceful and harmonious environment. They are also optimistic, friendly, and provide well for their family.However, they cannot tolerate inefficiency and may lose their temper when they come across inefficient individuals.
4) Romantics: Romantics are warm and sensitive people and love to be complimented. They are creative, intuitive, and have a good sense of humour.They like to maintain friendly relations with everyone and do not like to think ill of others. They trust others easily and are disillusioned if that trust is broken.Romantics tend to feel emptiness and despair when they are is understood, which hurts and frustrates them.
5) Observers: Observers are usually introverts, curious, and analytical. They like to be left alone and consequently dislike any intrusion on their privacy. One of their greatest qualities is that they remain calm even during a crisis. With their insight, keen observation, and analytical skills they are often able to predict correct outcomes even in complex situations. They may get overly disturbed when such anticipated outcomes do not result.
6) Questioners: Questioners are responsible, trustworthy, and loyal. They value their family and friends a great deal. Depending on the situation, they can be either shy and supportive or outspoken and assertive. Questioners often face difficulties when asked to cope with differing pressures. In addition to having a fear of failure, they are usually quite self-critical if they do not live up to their own expectations.
7) Adventurers: Adventurers like to live an interesting and thrilling life. They are fun-loving people who are often gregarious. They love to party and entertain.They are optimistic and are not easily troubled. They love to take risks and to tackle problems head-on.
8) Asserters: Asserters are direct, straightforward, and confident people, who are known for their assertive behaviour. They prefer to be independent and self-reliant.They also like to take up challenges directly. Asserters are courageous, generally honest, and protective of those around them. However, they lack tact.
9) Peacemakers: Peacemakers are cordial and peace-loving people. They dislike confrontations and like to live in a harmonious environment. When given sufficient time to complete their work and allowed to work for their own peace, they prove to be efficient. Since they are very caring and concerned about others, they can be very good mediators and facilitators. However, they can be
hyper sensitive to criticism.

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